The Festival of Tanabata

According to ancient Chinese legends, the seventh day of the seventh month is when the stars Altair and Vega are finally allowed to cross over the celestial boundaries that separate them and meet as lovers. Japan marks this occasion with a Star Festival known as Tanabata, or “Evening of the Seventh”.

During the Star Festival, the Japan’s people traditionally write down their wishes upon small, colorful strips of paper known as tanzaku. The tanzaku are then tied to the branches of bamboo trees, which are specially put up in public places for the occasion. Tradition states that wishes tied up in this way are more likely to come true.

Depending on where you are in Japan, this festival could be held on either July 7th or August 7th, depending on which calendar the specific region observes. Whenever it is celebrated, it is an occasion for colorful festivities and family togetherness. Come and observe the occasion for yourself with a proper sushi meal at I Love Sushi’s Japanese restaurant in Seattle!